I have summarized often needed but hidden helps for academic template.
Deploying the website on github (best help)
- Create a simplest github page with help from github pages
- Clone the https://github.com/username/username.github.io repository in your project’s root folder.
- Make an initial commit where you delete the demo index.html that you might have created in previous step.
- Add .nojekyll file to username.github.io folder
- Change baseurl to https://github.com/username/username.github.io and publishDir to full path of the username.github.io folder in config.toml file
- Finally use blogdown::serve_site() to build your website again, now you would see th
git bash
If you are comfortable with git bash then you can use these commands to add changes, commit and push.- git clone https://github.com/username/username.github.io
- cd username.github.io
- git add –all
- git commit -m “Initial commit”
- git push -u origin master
Legend list for publication types
- 0 = Uncategorized
- 1 = Conference paper
- 2 = Journal article
- 3 = Manuscript
- 4 = Report
- 5 = Book
- 6 = Book section
- The order of appearance of each section (e.g. Projects) on home is controlled by the weight assigned to each section in the index file.